Security Log: August 2010
Council Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
Roll call taken and minutes for the last meeting read.
…Treasurer’s Report:
General Fund: $1045 (after money transferred from other accounts and bills paid)
E-Bay Fund: $200 (after $764 transferred to general)
Insurance Fund” $200 (after $1055 transferred to general)
Hot Dog Cart Fund: $100
Bills Paid: $800 to Waste Management and $400 to port-a-lets
Expenditures: none, we are still broke.
Pat: Thank you and kudos to Liz at the Iron Tribe event in Pioneer Square. She gave excellent representation of the village.
Liz: The interview with Senator Shields has been set for August 25 at 2:30 pm. He is giving us a half-hour of his time. We can have no more than 8 people attending the meeting to present ideas and information. We have spots open for 4 more people, and a sign up will be posted in the guard shack.
Beckie: We could use the Tent Cities Toolkit at the meeting.
Randy: Why not invite Sally Erickson (City of Portland/Village laison) to this meeting?
Bonnie: We should make a packet full of everyone”s ideas and whatever information we have about the village.
Liz (to Steve): Could we bring some of your pictures that you have taken of the village and its residents? (Steve agrees)
Jon Boy: During the day, head’s up for security is a courtesy, but at night it is required between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. People sleep during those times, and if they don’t get their head’s up they may miss their shift.
Reporting person Dave S, subject Darlene:
Basic Rule #2, No Theft. Security recommends a permanent 86 (FYI expulsion) from the village. Jon Boy motions, Angela seconds to accept recommendation. 6 YES, 0 NO, 0 Abstain (1 person declined to vote). It passes.
Reporting person Dave S, subject Sharon:
Knowing of theft. Security recommends a permanent 86 from the village. Jon Boy motions, Randy seconds to accept recommendation. 5 YES, 2 NO, 0 Abstain, it passes. Jon Boy motions, Angela seconds to give her 2 weeks from now (8/18/10 at 7:00 pm) to vacate with no further incidents. 6 YES, 1 NO, 0 Abstain, it passes.
Randy motions, Jon Boy seconds that we beat feet at 6:58 pm (1 hour)
12 August 2010, 12 pm
Whitefoot and Dean on duty.
1:27 pm
“It would be pleasant
if the Village was always this quiet.
Without any backbiting, rabble-rousing
and/or head hunting. ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’
clearly defines this sort of conduct
as constant disruptive behavior.
*see West Law Publications.”
Ken on duty.
3 am
“Did rounds.
Dog barking at coyotes,
went and calmed him down.”
11:30 am
“All’s quiet.
Getting HOT Though.”
11:45 am
“Liz covering for Dave M
whose on vacation and
working w/Pat.”
12 pm
“Cindy and Mary off duty. (4 & 2 hrs.)”
2:00 – 4:30 pm
“11 incoming freshmen from Lewis & Clark
do guided tour, Village video and Q & A
with Ibrahim, Brad and Pat.”
Council Meeting called to order
at 6:00 pm
Roll taken and minutes for last meeting read.
Jen: Chris and I bought bread for the village, and we were told that we could ask for $5 in gas money for the trip.
Sheri: I will pay that out of my pocket. We need to be more self-sufficient. We can’t keep shelling out gas money for people to buy food for the village, unless it’s for an event.
Liz: At the meeting with Senator Shields, Ken S, Jon Boy, Brad P, and Pat were very impressing. Give them a round of applause.
Jon Boy: Liz was awesome too!
Sheri: We need to make more money for the village. We need more help in the yard sale! I can’t keep doing it by myself.
Jon Boy motions, Lisa C seconds that we kill this meeting at 6:20 pm (0.5 hours)