Security Log: September 2010

14 September 2010
It is Tuesday night, 8 pm
Whitefoot is On Duty (solo).


8:25 pm
“A slight disturbance
regarding Darryl’s generator
enclosure door being open,
supposedly making excessive noise.
T.C. apparently closed the doors
of said enclosure
where, in effect, two (2) adjoining lines
run parallel to one another.
The enclosure doors are
an arm’s length away from the property lines.
Situation has been defused.”

8:30 pm
“Rounds made.
Damn. One frivolous transgression after another.
It’s my express opinion,
as well as from “Black’s Law Dictionary”
that “constant disruptive behavior”
can be clearly construed
as when three (3) people or more people
conspire to do another individual
deep seated ill will and/or over-all animosity.
This is infectious, prevalent and commonplace around here.”

9:26 pm
“Rounds completed:
At the present time
things have settled down
substantially and considerably.
Damn my long-winded nature of Things.”

10:00 pm
“Whitefoot OFF DUTY”

Council Meeting called to order
at 6:00 pm


Roll call taken…minutes for last meeting read.

Treasurer’s Report:

General Fund: $2022.29
E-Bay Fund: $487
Insurance Fund: $1255.14
Hot Dog Cart Fund: $100
Bills Paid: $800 to BDS for building permit on Greenbox office. Other bills are current except port-a-let, which is a month behind (Round Table).

Guest Speakers:

Jon Boy: We have a special speaker who has limited time.

Kayla from City Repair: Brad P approached us about the new tower for the village. We talked about a space underneath for shade. The tower can be whatever we want it to be (museum, etc.).

Brad P: The reason for the new tower is that the old one fell down. The tower can be an inspiration. We would like a windmill on it. (Round table discussion}


Jon Boy: Next Wednesday at 7:00 pm a band will be here to jam with us. Audience participation is welcome. Also Jon Boy Theater is tonight in the Common room after the meeting.

Pat: Please sign up for barbecue help on the 25th – or don’t bother eating. We also need side dishes and condiments.

Jon Boy: Announces Heather Mosier’s movie (September 17th – 19th in Common room) and asks that we get hours for viewing it. Jon Boy motions, Pat seconds. 6 YES, 1 NO, 0 Abstain.

New Business:

Jon Boy: I think Cera, Sharon’s dog, should be allowed in the village. Cera is a member in good standing. Jon Boy motions, Beckie seconds to allow Cera into the village. 6 YES, 0 NO, 1 Abstain, it passes. (FYI Sharon was recently 86’d [permanent expulsion from the Village] for knowing who stole the Tri-Met driver’s back pack but not telling the Village Council.)

Jon Boy motions, Randy seconds that we beat feet at 6:58 pm (1 hour)

Council Meeting called to order
at 6:00 pm


Roll call taken and minutes for last meeting read.

Treasurer’s report:

General Fund: $2022
E-Bay fund: $487
Insurance Fund: $1255.14
Hot Dog Cart Fund: $100
Bills Paid: $800 to BDS for permit on Greenbox office building.


Pat: Metro Metals is donating some barrels for us to use for the canned food drive, and we would like $5.00 in gas money for Bonnie to pick them up. Pat motions, Ken M seconds. 9 YES, 2 NO, 0 Abstain, it passes.*
*Note: Instead of paying for the gas out of the general fund, the Council has decided to pass the hat and collect it. The money was raised. The expenditure is dropped.

Dean: I have about $27,863 in back student loans that I would like the village to pay 🙂

Mike M: I have millions of dollars coming from the Nigerian fund, and I will pay the $5 in gas money out of that 🙂


Pat: 1 – Saturday, October 2 at 12:30 pm, Hood River Valley High School is coming to sing Happy Birthday to me and also some songs from Les Miserables. Any contributions for my inebriation are gladly accepted 🙂 2 – On October 23 at about 10:30 am, there is a group coming to cook for us. 3 – I am looking at a start date for the homeless canned food drive of October 29, and it would last through the holiday season.

Paul: October 2nd is also my birthday. I would like to share in the contributions for inebriation 🙂


Brad P nominates Mike M for ratification as website manager, Ken M seconds. It passes unanimously.
Randy motions, Lisa C seconds that we boogie at 7:05 pm (1 hour)


Emergency Council Meeting called to order
at 11:06 am


Roll call taken by Liz*
*Liz is taking the minutes for this meeting as Angela is emotionally compromised by the situation at hand. (Angela and Ken M, share living quarters.)

Purpose of the Meeting:

Sheri: Niki came to me asking me to take Ken M off her Facebook page because of some of the contents on his page. Some of the items showed up on other people’s pages, including village supporter’s pages. They are inappropriate for supporters and other people’s pages. I am asking for Ken M to be removed from the village.


Ken M: The contents have been taken off, and my page was closed down. (Tracey has verified that Ken’s Facebook page no longer exists.)

Brad G: I have seen you on the computer when this comes up on Facebook and in your e-mail. This is a grey area since it’s not just one person sending the material.

Jon Boy: I don’t understand why I never got any of those contents on my page.

Mike M: Parental controls can be set and contents can be controlled by the user and the receiver as to what people see and don’t see.

Brad P: Since Ken M has taken the steps to clear off the content, I say we drop it. (Brad P made the motion, but there was no second.)

Brad G motions, Lisa C seconds to ban Ken M from the computer. 8 YES, 0 NO, 1 Abstain, it passes.

Brad G motions, Paul seconds that, in regard to the supporters seeing the content, Ken M receives 30 days probation with loss of membership. 6 YES. 3 NO, 0 Abstain, it passes.

Lisa C motions, Jon Boy seconds that we put this nightmare to rest at 11:36am (0.5 hours)


29 September 2010. 10:00 am
Laura and Dean On Duty.


10:15 am
“Dean on duty (15 minutes late).”

11:40 am
“City employee dude guy man came to pick-up
stick roller paint line layer downer thing with a trigger.
Found it, gave it, goodbye Dude.”

“note – Steve O has been working hard
splitting and stacking wood in Da ‘Ville. Thanks!
Dreadful on duty! with Deano.”

12:30 pm
“Rounds kinda weird –
strange gruntings, barks
coming from Ken’s place.”

1:00 pm
“Rounds back to normal (as normal as we get).”

2:00 pm
Jen and Mike M on duty.
“BLR (backlog read)”

2:15 pm
“Rounds – Mike M has good ears.
Previously mentioned strange bark and grunts
from Ken’s house seem to be drowned out
by classic rock oldies.”
Council Meeting called to order
at 6:01 pm


Roll call taken and minutes for last meeting read.


Jon Boy: This Saturday, Hood River Valley High School is coming out to perform some songs from Les Miserables at around 11:00 am. Lee Larson will be here with pizza, and Senator Chip Shields.

Sheri: Lee wants to see the big flag and also Shakedown Street.

Old Business: Brad P!

Paul: The emergency meeting held against Ken M yesterday is unlawful and illegal in accordance with our own rules. Paul motions, Ken S seconds to make the meeting null and void. 8 YES, 1 NO, 0 Abstain, it passes.

Paul: Do we want to address the issue again tonight or next week?

Ken S motions, Paul seconds to put it on the agenda for next week’s council meeting. It passes unanimously.

Lisa L: From a security standpoint, I suggest that his sanctions stay until nest week.

Paul: Since the meeting was made null and void, his ban from the computers and his loss of membership and council status are reversed.

Brad G: As office manager, I can and will still give him a 30-day computer ban until we address it next week.

New Business:

Laura: Heather Mosher is now Dr. Heather Mosher. Her presentation went very well, and I was glad to see so many villagers present. Also, Lee Larson is supporting us again, which is awesome!

Liz: I suggest we buy a card for Heather.

Beckie: I believe there are cards in the secretary’s office somewhere.

Laura: I would like to know who is in charge of sending thank-you cards to supporters.

Sheri: That’s the secretary’s job. (To Angela, the secretary) Has Beckie been giving you the addresses to send the thank-you notes out?

Angela: No, I haven’t gotten any.

Beckie: That’s because I don’t have any myself.
(Round table discussion)
Jon Boy: If you are not on council, please hold your opinion until after the meeting.

Brad G: Some of the new councilors may not know who the other council members are. I suggest putting the councilors in an inner circle.

Jon Boy: How about putting all the councilors at a table?

Paul motions, Jon Boy seconds that all council members sit at one table during council meetings. It passes unanimously.

Lisa C motions, Pat seconds that we hop along at 7:05 pm (1 hour)




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